Product Information

EFM System Parts List Generator Tool Video
As a means to help dealers and end users effectively build a liquid fertilizer kit including Wilger's row-by-row electronic flow monitoring system, we've recorded a fairly in-depth webinar to walk through being able to enter and generate a parts list for an EFM system in just a minute or two. Please use the contact-us [...]

EFM Jet Revision
PRODUCT CHANGE: EFM Jets {{ vc_btn: title=Download+the+Electronic+Flow+Monitoring+System+JET+CHANGE+bulletin&css=&link=url%3A%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252FBulletins%252Fefm%252Fbulletin_240701_EFM%2520JET_product_change.pdf%7Ctarget%3A_blank }} The parts effected by this change are: 20580-00 (the flowmeter kit will include 4 of each new jet as well as 1 strainer - reducing strainers included by 3, as they are no longer required for insertion/removal) 20581-01 (new jet supplied instead of old version) 20581-03 (new [...]

Dual-Spray 4+1 (DS41) Nozzle Body Release
Dual-Spray 4+1 Nozzle Body (DS41) New Product Information Wilger has developed a new nozzle body that takes the best of the Combo-Rate nozzle body system, with key changes to keep it incredibly compact and still retain key features for PWM spray systems, spot spraying systems, and beyond. Core Function: For core function, the DS41 [...]

Electronic Flow Monitoring System (EFMS) Troubleshooting Guide
1.The app (requires Android OS 10.0+) will request to 'trust' the WIFI connection (when using the app). All permissions must be granted to the app for proper function. 2. The EFM System WIFI can now be connected to via the Tablet's SETTINGS -> WIFI page. Simply select the WILGER_EFI_####### network, and use the password that [...]

Electronic Flow Monitoring System Parts List Builder
Hello! You are likely here as you are considering purchasing a row-by-row flowmeter for your planting equipment, but might need a hand putting together a parts list of all the components you'd need, as well as their cost. Well, look no further. Find the link for a interactive parts builder worksheet for compiling a [...]

Selecting which JET to use in your Electronics Flow Monitoring (EFM) System
To best select which stabilizing jet that you use in your electronic flowmeter, refer to the below operational flow rate chart to determine which jet size(color) best suits your application. Ensure that your application rate would not be restricted by the jet size by selecting a proper color/size. Alternatively, if you do not know [...]

VIDEO: EFM System App Setup
Find this example video walking through setting up an electronic flow monitoring system, setting up initial connections to the ECU, proper sensor setup, and some extra features and FAQs to be aware of when using the system. If you need the android APK, it can be downloaded from the DOWNLOADS Page, here. Walkthrough VIDEO: [...]

Wilger Parts for AGRIFAC Sprayers
Wilger Parts used with AGRIFAC Sprayers These are a few handy adapters and tips when using Wilger nozzles on an AGRIFAC sprayer. AGRIFAC machines have some distinct differences in the sprayer they make as well as the systems they are equipped with, which should be given special attention when selecting nozzles or using the systems. [...]

Which ball do I use in my Flow Indicator Column?
If you've recently purchased (or inherited) a Wilger flow indicator system, you might question which flow indicator ball you might need to best use your system. Simply, the system works in a very mechanical way. The flow of the fertilizer (or liquid) you are applying through the final outlet (which might be a spray nozzle [...]

DX Series Release
NEW PRODUCT RELEASE: COMBO-JET DX Series Nozzles The COMBO-JET® DX series are a line of narrow angle spray nozzles designed for spot spraying applications. This includes green on green spot spraying technologies as well as green on brown spot spraying technologies. They are also useful for banding spraying applications (contact Wilger Inc. for even spray [...]

Recirculating Sprayer Boom Plumbing
There are many reasons to consider replacing a sprayer boom with a recirculating boom. Wilger manufactures many components that ease the transition to recirculating sprayer booms, or parts to engineer a top notch sprayer boom from scratch. Since there are a variety of configurations for a recirculating sprayer boom, ensure to familiarize yourself to make [...]

Double-Down Spraying
New Double-Down spraying adapters New Product Information - July 2021 Wilger developed a set of new adapters that allow for mounting two Combo-Jet nozzles onto an existing outlet to spray with two nozzles simultaneously. The two adapters vary based on which nozzle outlet they are being mounted to. For a Wilger nozzle body outlet (COMBO-JET, [...]

Boom Retro-fitting & Design
There are many reasons to consider replacing a sprayer boom. Most critical reasons to replacing boom piping might be of the following reasons: Replacing warped plastic boom pipe to stainless steel Replacing broken boom parts and improving the existing design Retro-fitting a sprayer to a recirculating plumbing system Replacing as much hose as possible with [...]

New JACTO Nozzle Adapter
JACTO Nozzle Outlet to Combo-Jet nozzle adapter New Product Information - December 2021 Wilger developed a new sleeve adapter that allows using a Combo-Jet spray nozzle directly onto an JACTO nozzle body outlet. The JACTO nozzle body outlet is different than other nozzle body outlets, and requires an adapter to use any non-JACTO nozzles or [...]

Agrifac Nozzle Adapter
Agrifac Nozzle Body to Combo-Jet nozzle adapter New Product Information - July 2020 Wilger developed a new sleeve adapter that allows using a Combo-Jet spray nozzle directly onto an Agrifac nozzle body outlet. The Agrifac nozzle body outlet is different than other nozzle body outlets, and requires an adapter to use any non-Agrifac nozzles or [...]

LERAP Nozzle Certifications & Updates
As Wilger enters the United Kingdom, there are necessary certifications required to properly acknowledge the performance of spray nozzles, especially as they pertain to certified drift reduction ratings. In the UK, this comes in the form of a LERAP (Local Environmental Risk Assessments for Pesticides) drift reduction rating, in a STAR format with varying levels [...]

Planting with Dark Fertilizer
Planting with dark liquids (or before dawn) can be tough, as you struggle to see your ball flow indicator. Using different balls, or other options can make you more productive in the early mornings (and late nights), as well as help indicate plugs even in the darkest liquids.

New Product: Wilger Electronic Flowmeter
Wilger has developed a modular electronic flowmeter that harnesses the function and ease of use of the Wilger Visual Flow Indicators, but pairs it with a digital display for further use with dark liquids, night time applications, or any situation that does not allow for visual flow indicators.

ER, SR, MR, DR, UR – Which one is right for me?
Since each application is different, it is best to find the spray tip that suits your speed, coverage and drift control requirements, instead of picking a tip based on the series alone. Tip Wizard is the recommended tool to make picking spray tips easy.

New Boom End Flush Valve Handle
Boom End Flush Valve Handle Improvement By user request, we now have a boom end flush valve (BEFV) with a longer handle, which also gives a clearer indication when the valve was in open/closed position. The new flush valve handle is completely retro-fittable to existing flush valves shorter handles, and can be easily replaced. The [...]

ALPINE Innoculant Injection Liquid Kit with Flow Indicator
Find the video describing the operation of ALPINE’s liquid injection kit, injecting innoculant into a liquid fertilizer kit. Note the good use of a isolated feed flow indicator on the injector pump to indicate that the injector is working properly.

Guide to Using Tip Wizard for Pulse Width Modulation Spray Systems
To help explain some of the process that should be added to your tip selection practice, follow through the following guide to learn more about the best way to pick a spray tip that matches your intended spray application with your pulse width modulation spray system.

NEW UR Spray Tip Series
The UR series is a brand new Dual-Chamber Drift Reduction Spray tip offered from Wilger. It provides an ultra coarse spray tip that maintains an even pattern for consistent application. It dramatically reduces drift, and acts as Wilger’s 4th stage drift reduction spray tip for superior drift management.

EFM System Parts List Generator Tool Video
As a means to help dealers and end users effectively build a liquid fertilizer kit including Wilger's row-by-row electronic flow monitoring system, we've recorded a fairly in-depth webinar to walk through being able to enter and generate a parts list for an EFM system in just a minute or two. Please use the contact-us [...]

EFM Jet Revision
PRODUCT CHANGE: EFM Jets {{ vc_btn: title=Download+the+Electronic+Flow+Monitoring+System+JET+CHANGE+bulletin&css=&link=url%3A%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252FBulletins%252Fefm%252Fbulletin_240701_EFM%2520JET_product_change.pdf%7Ctarget%3A_blank }} The parts effected by this change are: 20580-00 (the flowmeter kit will include 4 of each new jet as well as 1 strainer - reducing strainers included by 3, as they are no longer required for insertion/removal) 20581-01 (new jet supplied instead of old version) 20581-03 (new [...]

Dual-Spray 4+1 (DS41) Nozzle Body Release
Dual-Spray 4+1 Nozzle Body (DS41) New Product Information Wilger has developed a new nozzle body that takes the best of the Combo-Rate nozzle body system, with key changes to keep it incredibly compact and still retain key features for PWM spray systems, spot spraying systems, and beyond. Core Function: For core function, the DS41 [...]

Electronic Flow Monitoring System (EFMS) Troubleshooting Guide
1.The app (requires Android OS 10.0+) will request to 'trust' the WIFI connection (when using the app). All permissions must be granted to the app for proper function. 2. The EFM System WIFI can now be connected to via the Tablet's SETTINGS -> WIFI page. Simply select the WILGER_EFI_####### network, and use the password that [...]

Electronic Flow Monitoring System Parts List Builder
Hello! You are likely here as you are considering purchasing a row-by-row flowmeter for your planting equipment, but might need a hand putting together a parts list of all the components you'd need, as well as their cost. Well, look no further. Find the link for a interactive parts builder worksheet for compiling a [...]

VIDEO: EFM System App Setup
Find this example video walking through setting up an electronic flow monitoring system, setting up initial connections to the ECU, proper sensor setup, and some extra features and FAQs to be aware of when using the system. If you need the android APK, it can be downloaded from the DOWNLOADS Page, here. Walkthrough VIDEO: [...]

Wilger Parts for AGRIFAC Sprayers
Wilger Parts used with AGRIFAC Sprayers These are a few handy adapters and tips when using Wilger nozzles on an AGRIFAC sprayer. AGRIFAC machines have some distinct differences in the sprayer they make as well as the systems they are equipped with, which should be given special attention when selecting nozzles or using the systems. [...]

Tip Wizard Updates
Tip Wizard is a spray tip calculator for agricultural and turf spray applications. Simply enter your application criteria, and it will provide meaningful results that will help you pick the best spray tip for your application.
Tip Wizard is a spray tip calculator for agricultural and turf spray applications. Simply enter your application criteria, and it will provide meaningful results that will help you pick the best spray tip for your application.

DX Series Release
NEW PRODUCT RELEASE: COMBO-JET DX Series Nozzles The COMBO-JET® DX series are a line of narrow angle spray nozzles designed for spot spraying applications. This includes green on green spot spraying technologies as well as green on brown spot spraying technologies. They are also useful for banding spraying applications (contact Wilger Inc. for even spray [...]

Recirculating Sprayer Boom Plumbing
There are many reasons to consider replacing a sprayer boom with a recirculating boom. Wilger manufactures many components that ease the transition to recirculating sprayer booms, or parts to engineer a top notch sprayer boom from scratch. Since there are a variety of configurations for a recirculating sprayer boom, ensure to familiarize yourself to make [...]

Double-Down Spraying
New Double-Down spraying adapters New Product Information - July 2021 Wilger developed a set of new adapters that allow for mounting two Combo-Jet nozzles onto an existing outlet to spray with two nozzles simultaneously. The two adapters vary based on which nozzle outlet they are being mounted to. For a Wilger nozzle body outlet (COMBO-JET, [...]

Engenia™ Herbicide Nozzle Requirements
With the Engenia™ herbicide, BASF is working with spray tip manufacturers to ensure spray tips offered in the market are suitable for their herbicides. With new formulations of crop protection chemicals, it is increasingly important that the correct spray tip is used for optimum coverage and drift control.

Enlist™ One & Enlist™ Duo Nozzle Requirements
With the Enlist™ Duo Herbicide, DOW is working with Wilger to ensure tips offered in the market are suitable for their herbicides. With new formulations of crop protection chemicals, it is increasingly important that the correct spray tip is used for optimum coverage and drift control. As there is continual testing being completed to certify new spray [...]

Tavium® plus VaporGrip® Technology Nozzle Requirements
Wilger ensures spray tips offered in the market are suitable for with Tavium® Herbicide with VaporGrip® Technology. With new formulations of crop protection chemicals, it is increasingly important that the correct spray tip is used for optimum coverage and drift control. NOTE: For the most current information, reference the official Syngenta website with their information [...]

FeXapan® Herbicide Plus VaporGrip® Technology Nozzle Requirements
Wilger ensures spray tips offered in the market are suitable for with FeXapan® Herbicide with VaporGrip® Technology. With new formulations of crop protection chemicals, it is increasingly important that the correct spray tip is used for optimum coverage and drift control. NOTE: For the most current information, reference the official website with their information about [...]

XtendiMax® Herbicide With VaporGrip® Technology Nozzle Requirements
With XtendiMax® Herbicide with VaporGrip® Technology, Monsanto is working with Wilger to ensure spray tips offered in the market are suitable for their herbicide. With new formulations of crop protection chemicals, it is increasingly important that the correct spray tip is used for optimum coverage and drift control.

New JACTO Nozzle Adapter
JACTO Nozzle Outlet to Combo-Jet nozzle adapter New Product Information - December 2021 Wilger developed a new sleeve adapter that allows using a Combo-Jet spray nozzle directly onto an JACTO nozzle body outlet. The JACTO nozzle body outlet is different than other nozzle body outlets, and requires an adapter to use any non-JACTO nozzles or [...]

Agrifac Nozzle Adapter
Agrifac Nozzle Body to Combo-Jet nozzle adapter New Product Information - July 2020 Wilger developed a new sleeve adapter that allows using a Combo-Jet spray nozzle directly onto an Agrifac nozzle body outlet. The Agrifac nozzle body outlet is different than other nozzle body outlets, and requires an adapter to use any non-Agrifac nozzles or [...]

LERAP Nozzle Certifications & Updates
As Wilger enters the United Kingdom, there are necessary certifications required to properly acknowledge the performance of spray nozzles, especially as they pertain to certified drift reduction ratings. In the UK, this comes in the form of a LERAP (Local Environmental Risk Assessments for Pesticides) drift reduction rating, in a STAR format with varying levels [...]

New Product: Wilger Electronic Flowmeter
Wilger has developed a modular electronic flowmeter that harnesses the function and ease of use of the Wilger Visual Flow Indicators, but pairs it with a digital display for further use with dark liquids, night time applications, or any situation that does not allow for visual flow indicators.
![New 2,4-D label instructions to reduce spray drift incidents [AUSTRALIA]. Applicators are now required to use spray tips delivering ASABE COARSE spray quality for their applications, along with some other changes to application timing and restrictions](
APVMA Label Changes for 2-4,D

New Boom End Flush Valve Handle
Boom End Flush Valve Handle Improvement By user request, we now have a boom end flush valve (BEFV) with a longer handle, which also gives a clearer indication when the valve was in open/closed position. The new flush valve handle is completely retro-fittable to existing flush valves shorter handles, and can be easily replaced. The [...]

NEW UR Spray Tip Series
The UR series is a brand new Dual-Chamber Drift Reduction Spray tip offered from Wilger. It provides an ultra coarse spray tip that maintains an even pattern for consistent application. It dramatically reduces drift, and acts as Wilger’s 4th stage drift reduction spray tip for superior drift management.